Heath Thurston began his athletic career as a swimmer, at the ripe age of 5 he took to swimming like a fish out of water and progressed very rapidly. After he graduated he needed a break and left swimming for a short while until he found triathlon. He loved triathlon so much and made many gains that he decided to pursue it as a career and became a professional athlete in 2006.
For the next 7 years, Heath competed in 10 Ironmans and 25 half Ironmans. Heath had many great races but the swim has always been a place of strength for him. He led out first at Ironman Florida in 2010. Second in Ironman Couer D’Alene 2011 and he came out first out of the water at the St. George Ironman in 2012 which saw the worst swim conditions almost in the history of Ironman. In the sport of triathlon he is one of the fastest swimmers in the circuit.
Although retired now as a professional triathlete, Heath has taken away many lessons from his racing that affect many facets of life and looks forward to sharing that with others. He has coached swimming in one capacity or another for 20 years and loves coaching just as much as he does racing